Mi Filosofia de Vida

Philosophy? What’s with that word by the way?

According to Dr. Google’s free encyclopedia that says,

“It is a way of thinking about the world, the universe, and society. It works by asking very basic questions about the nature of human thought, the nature of the universe, and the connections between them. The ideas in philosophy are often general and abstract.”

This has a broad meaning that anyone of us can contribute in any possible ways just to prove its individual philosophy.

So here is my POV (Point of View), Mi Filosofia de vida (My Philosophy of Life).

Philosophy of life is like a diversity for individuals perspective. It is determined on the experiences we have in life; because we have all seen and lived life in a different way. We made many changes that affects our daily lives. There may be times that today we might see something one way and then tomorrow we will see it in a different light or a different color.

So my philosophy of life is a diversified philosophy.

Why diversified?

“The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect.”

Our means of understanding the significance of individuals uniqueness and recognizing our own differences with others in order to give and gain respect and acceptance.

Sometimes we matter those insignificant things like on how they see you and how they think of you that we almost forgot that when you treat yourselves in a good way, it surfaces in a way that shows unconditional caring and love of others in your life. This is where our great philosopher Confucius once said in his Golden Rule,

“Do not impose on others what you do not wish for yourself.”

This is when I realized that you can’t ask easily the respect you want from others without working for it diligently, because respect needs to be earn. So in order for you to gain respect is to know yourself first, love yourself first then everything will follow. Because you cannot love others if you, yourself can’t love your own.

Philosophy benefits people from all different walks of life because it allows us to self actualize, deepen our sense of reason and purpose, maintain a safe society and understand different perspectives. Socrates once said,

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

This means that we as individuals must examine our lives to find out who we truly are and what we truly live for. This is critically important for us to do because if we do not know what we are living for we would not become functioning members of society.

The only way to understand ourselves is to find out what we value, what the reason why we gets up in the morning and the reason why we live for. We benefit from understanding ourselves because the more we understand ourselves the better we can begin to understand others.

In life, I have learned to give back to the society in a positive way and to think of others as I think of myself. For more than 5 years, I am still actively joining a community that helps indigenous people or those people who are born and raised with not enough living.

Now I don’t know why, but when I joined this group (Community Link) five years ago, my perspective in life was changed. I became more eager to help others. The fact that I saw different shades of life changes my way of thinking. From this activity group I had lot of experiences like visiting an orphanage, Home for the Aged, person with disability and lots of heartbreaking pictures. These things really made me cry, it made my heart ache. Then I asked myself why do these things have to happen to them. That’s when I realized how super blessed I am, that I don’t have the right to question God about my pain, problems and even for not granting my wishes, knowing that there are more people carrying even much more pain, some are fighting for their lives to live, seeking food, attention, love and care. They made me realized that there is so much to be thankful about in this world. Seeing those happy faces, their contentment even though they don’t have the things that we have, made me envious and at the same time ashamed of myself for asking a lot. These people don’t have families and some were left by their family member. I feel so grateful for even after I lost a father, still, I was able to feel what a family is like and what love is all about. Then I said to myself, that for as long as I am here, as long as I am able to share, I will share… The love, blessings and care to these people. Cause who am i to be selfish when I owe this to people who need them?

Because of these things, lots of people care about me as much as I care about myself and in order for that to happened is we must learned to live and interact in our community, learn to understand each differences, and feel free to experience their differences from yours.

"Learn to step down for you to be able to understand their feelings." 

Published by darklee143

Aside from being chubby and cuddly. My sweet and caring boss said, "I am caring, mindful, emotional, and considerate. I am happy 'coz who would have thought that these words would definitely describe the kind of person, I am.

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